Yoast SEO Capabilities

Yoast SEO is a plugin that can help Improve your WordPress SEO. You can write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.

About Yoast SEO Plugin Capabilities #

The Yoast SEO plugin provides these capabilities to control user access:

  • view_site_health_checks: Not yet implemented. Allows users to access the bulk editing feature in SEO -> Tools.
  • wpseo_bulk_edit: Allows users to access the Site Health Checks that are present in WordPress.
  • wpseo_edit_advanced_metadata: Allows users to edit advanced metadata in the Advanced tab of the Yoast SEO metabox. Please note: If you want to fully disable this for a user that also has the wpseo_manage_options capability, you will have to also remove this capability for said user.
  • wpseo_manage_options: Allows users to access the Yoast SEO settings pages.

Yoast SEO also provides two user roles: SEO Editor and SEO Manager.

How to Give Yoast SEO Capabilities to User Roles #

If you use the PublishPress Capabilities plugin, you can choose which user roles have access to the capabilities in the Yoast SEO plugin. Go to the “Capabilities” screen and click the “Yoast SEO” tab. You will be able to grant these capabilities to a new user role.

Yoast SEO Capabilities