How to Schedule Revisions to Go Live

PublishPress Revisions allows you to schedule revisions to be automatically published in the future.

This allows you to update content now, but publish those updated changes at a later date.

How to Schedule a Revision #

To get started, you can either to “Revision Queue” in the WordPress admin area and edit a revision from that screen. Or you can find a published post or page and click “New Revision”.

  • Edit a post that has the “Published” status.
  • Make some changes to the post.
  • In the right sidebar, find the “Immediately” button, as in the image below:
Publish Revision Immediately
Publish Revision Immediately
  • Change this option to a date in the future. This is going to be when your scheduled revision goes live.
Publish Future
Publish Future
  • If this revision hasn't been submitted yet, you may need to click the “Submit Revision” button:
Submit Scheduled Revision
Submit Scheduled Revision
All Revision Queue
All Revision Queue

If you click the “Preview” link on the “Revision Queue”, you will see a moderation toolbar. If this toolbar has a grey color, the revision is approved and scheduled. You will also see the message, “This is a Scheduled Revision”.


If the post has not yet been approved, the toolbar will be in green with the message “This is a Submitted Revision”.

Submit Request
Submit Request

Email Notifications for Scheduled Revisions #

Do you want to get notified when the scheduled revisions go live? Go to “Revisions”, then “Settings” then “Notifications”. There is an option to email Editors and Administrators when the post goes live. Click here for more on notifications.

Email Notifications
Email Notifications

How to Enable or Disable Scheduled Revisions #

  • Go to “Revisions”, then “Settings”, and then the “Scheduled Revisions” tab.
  • Enable or disable the the “Enable Scheduled Revisions” box.
Enable Scheduled
Enable Scheduled