Programmatically Add or Remove Future Actions

How to add Future Actions #

For scheduling Future Actions programmatically, try this code:

     * Expiration types:
     *  - draft
     *  - delete
     *  - trash
     *  - private
     *  - stick
     *  - unstick
     *  - category
     *  - category-add
     *  - category-remove
     *  For "category", add additional attributes:
     *   'category' => $categoryId,
     *   'categoryTaxonomy' => $taxonomyName
    $options   = [
        'expireType' => 'delete',
        'id'         => $postId,
    $postId    = 258;
    $timestamp = date('U', strtotime('2021-06-25 10:00:00'));

How to remove Future Actions #

To remove the Future Action programmatically, try this code:

    $postId = 258;
    do_action('publishpressfuture_unschedule_expiration', $postId);

The actual expiration date for the post is stored in the _expiration-date row of the _postmeta table and in the cron job.

How to hook into the action that schedules actions #

When scheduling the future action the plugin will do the action publishpressfuture_schedule_expiration with a priority of number 10 (default number).

If you want to hook into that action to execute a custom action after the expiration is scheduled for the post, you can add a hook with a priority higher number than 10.

add_action('publishpressfuture_schedule_expiration', 'custom_action_after_expiration_was_scheduled', 20, 3);

How to prevent double schedule action #

Sometimes, when you add future action programmatically, there are 2 actions created (scheduled & cancelled). This could happen if the action is triggered multiple times.

PublishPress Future does not allow for multiple schedules for the same post; thus, it automatically cancels any existing schedule when a new one is set.

To prevent duplication, one possible solution would be to introduce a validation check using a function like the following:

use PublishPress\Future\Core\DI\Container as FutureContainer;
use PublishPress\Future\Core\DI\ServicesAbstract as FutureServices;

add_action('acf/save_post', 'schedule_post_expiration', 25);

function postIsScheduledWithSameDate($postId, $date)
    $container = FutureContainer::getInstance();
    $postModelFactory = $container->get(FutureServices::EXPIRABLE_POST_MODEL_FACTORY);
    $postModel = $postModelFactory($postId);

    if (! $postModel->isExpirationEnabled()) {
        return false;

    return $postModel->getExpirationDateAsUnixTime(false) === (int)$date;

function schedule_post_expiration($postId)
    $expectedPostType = 'post';

    if (! defined('PUBLISHPRESS_FUTURE_LOADED')) {

    // It is important to test the post type here, because the save_post
    // action is triggered for all post types, including  'revision' for the
    // post that was originally saved.
    $postType = get_post_type($postId);
    if ($postType !== $expectedPostType) {

    $startDate = get_field('start_date', $postId);
    $expiration = date('U', strtotime($startDate . ' -1 days'));

	if (postIsScheduledWithSameDate($postId, $expiration)) {

	 * Expiration types:
	 *  - draft
	 *  - delete
	 *  - trash
	 *  - private
	 *  - stick
	 *  - unstick
	 *  - category
	 *  - category-add
	 *  - category-remove
	 *  For "category", add additional attributes:
	 *   'category' => $categoryId,
	 *   'categoryTaxonomy' => $taxonomyName
	$options   = [
		'expireType' => 'draft',
        'newStatus' => null,
        'category' => null,
        'categoryTaxonomy' => null,

