The Series Overview Template

The Series Overview page shows all the posts inside a single Series.

This Series Overview page is not created by the PublishPress Series plugin. Instead, it uses the archive or taxonomy template of your theme. If you don't want to use this default template, you can use a different file.

How to Choose a New Series Overview Layout #

Go to “Series” in the WordPress admin menu, then the “Display” tab. Look for the “Layout” option.

Choose a layout different to “Default” and this will override the taxonomy template from your theme. Instead it will use a custom template from the PublishPress Series plugin. You can choose from a “Grid” and a “Layout” option your Series Overview.

How to Customize the Series Overview #

It is also possible customize the taxonomy template provided PublishPress Series.

We recommend you create a child theme in order to safely apply your customization. You can use the Child Theme Configurator plugin to create a child theme.

Here's how customize the taxonomy template from PublishPress Series

  • Copy the file wp-content/plugins/organize-series/inc/templates/taxonomy-series.php if you are using the Free version, or wp-content/plugins/publishpress-series-pro/inc/templates/taxonomy-series.php if you are using the Pro version.
  • Copy the file into your theme or child theme's folder.
  • Customize the HTML to match the design of your theme.

It's also possible create a template that will be used for one specific series. Here's how you can create a template for one specific series:

  • Follow the steps from “Customize template for all Series” section above.
  • Rename your file taxonomy-series-{series-slug}.php and replace {series-slug} with the slug of your series.