How to Customize Author Boxes

The Author Boxes feature in PublishPress Authors provides default layouts. You can use these layouts, customize them or click “New Author Box” and create your own layouts.

If you edit a layout, or create a new layout, you will see a screen like the one below.

  • Title: The unique name of your layout.
  • Author Box Preview: This is a live preview of your layout.

There are multiple ways to configure each layout. Here is an overview of what you can configure in each of the settings:

  • Title: This is the title that will show for all the author boxes attached to a post.
  • Avatar: Settings for the appearance of author profile images.
  • Display Name: Settings for the display of author names.
  • Biographical Info: Settings for the display of the author bio field.
  • View All Posts: Settings for the display of the “View all posts” button.
  • Author Fields: Control the display of the default author fields: First Name, Last Name, Email, and Website.
  • Shortcodes: Add shortcodes from other plugins into your author display.
  • Author Recent Posts: This shows a list of recent posts assigned to each author.
  • Box Layout: Settings for the display of the box around each author profile.
  • Custom CSS: Insert your own CSS styles for this specific layout.
  • Export: Use this data to export your author box design and import it to a new site.
  • Import: Paste the editor data from the “Export” tab on another site.
  • Generate Theme Template: This enables you to move your layout into a file inside your theme. Click here for more details.

All of these options give you a lot of flexibility when showcasing your authors. For example, all of your authors can have a “Recent Posts” area, as in this screenshot below:

You can also choose to add much more color to your Author Boxes. This example below has simplified many of the author details, and added a colored background.

This next example show an Author Box that uses the Author Categories feature.