Rank Math SEO Capabilities

Rank Math SEO is a plugin that can help Improve your WordPress SEO. You can write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Rank Math SEO plugin.

About Rank Math SEO Plugin Capabilities #

The Rank Math SEO plugin provides these capabilities to control user access:

  • rank math 404 monitor
  • rank math admin bar
  • rank math analytics
  • rank math content ai
  • rank math edit htaccess
  • rank math general
  • rank math link builder
  • rank math onpage advanced
  • rank math onpage analysis
  • rank math onpage general
  • rank math onpage snippet
  • rank math onpage social
  • rank math redirections
  • rank math role manager
  • rank math site analysis
  • rank math sitemap
  • rank math titles

How to Give Rank Math SEO Capabilities to User Roles #

If you use the PublishPress Capabilities plugin, you can choose which user roles have access to the capabilities in the Rank Math SEO plugin. Go to the “Capabilities” screen and click the “Rank Math SEO” tab. You will be able to grant these capabilities to a new user role.

Rank Math SEO Capabilities