Overview of PublishPress Series Tokens

The first question is probably the obvious, what is a token?  

A token is a specific format for indicating where you want series information to appear. Tokens can be added in any of the PublishPress Series templates available on the Series Options screen. There is an example in the image below:

Tokens in PublishPress Series
Post List Template

Notice in this example we have the %series_icon_linked% token.  When this template is used by the plugin, %series_icon_linked% will get replaced by the series icon for the displayed series, linked to the series archive for that series.

This is a powerful template system that really extends the possibility of how series information can be displayed on your website without having to edit any WordPress theme files.

All you do is insert the tokens you wish to use in the template you want the related series or post information to display.

For example:  Say you wanted to show the post thumbnail next to each post listed in the “box” that shows all the posts belonging to the series. The solution is to add %post_thumbnail% as in the image below.

Add token to a Series template
Post List Thumbnail

Here are the tokens in the Free version of PublishPress Series:

  • %series_icon% This will be replaced with the series icon for a series.
  • %series_icon_linked% Same as %series_icon% except that the series icon will be linked to the series page.
  • %series_list% This token is for use with the orgSeries widget only. It references where you want the list of series titles to be inserted and requires that the template for each series title be also set.
  • %series_title% This will be replaced with the title of a series.
  • %series_title_linked% Same as %series_title% except that it will also be linked to the series page.
  • %post_title_list% Is the location token for where the contents of the post list post templates will appear.
  • %post_title% Will be replaced with the post title of a post in the series.
  • %post_title_linked% Will be replaced with the post title of a post in the series linked to the page view of that post.
  • %previous_post% Will be replaced by the navigation link for the previous post in a series. The text will be whatever is included in the ‘Custom Previous Post Navigation Text' field. If that field is empty then the text will be the title of the post.
  • %next_post% Will be replaced by the navigation link for the next post in a series. The text will be whatever is included in the ‘Custom Next Post Navigation Text' field. If that field is empty then the text will be the title of the post.
  • %postcontent% Use this tag either before or after the rest of the template code. It will indicate where you want the content of a post to display.
  • %series_part% Will display what part of a series the post is.
  • %total_posts_in_series% Will display the total number of posts in a series.
  • %series_description% Will display the description for the series.