How to Migrate from Role Scoper to PublishPress Permissions

The Role Scoper plugin is no longer supported.

We strongly recommend that you update from Role Scoper to the PublishPress Permissions plugin.

There is an automatic update script that will help you move from Role Scoper. All the features you saw in the old Role Scoper plugin are now available in the new PublishPress Permissions.

How to Migrate from Role Scoper #

If you are using Role Scoper, you will see a banner that encourages you to start the migration process:

  • Click the purple “Run the migration process” button.
  • The migration script will analyze your site and show you what features can be migrated:
  • When PublishPress Permissions is installed, you will see a message saying “Role Scoper installation detected. To migrate your groups, roles, restrictions and options to PublishPress Permissions, run the Import tool.”
  • Click the “Import tool” link.
  • You will now be on the import screen. Click “Do Import”.
  • You will now see the results of your migration. In the image below, the result is “General Roles imported: 2”.

Now you can test the results of your import.

  • Go to the “Plugins” link in your WordPress admin menu.
  • Disable the “Role Scoper” plugin.
  • Test your user accounts and permissions. Make sure that the information has migrated correctly.
  • Is everything working as you want? You can go to the “Plugins” link in your WordPress admin menu and delete the “Role Scoper” plugin.

If you have any questions about moving from Role Scoper, click here to get in touch with us.