PublishPress Support Policy

Support for Free Users #

If you use the free version of the PublishPress plugins, please post your question in each of the support forums of the plugins. We do not provide any guarantees for support of the Free versions of our plugins.

Support for Pro Users #

We offer premium support for our Pro users. Pro support is available to customers who have purchased a valid license for PublishPress plans, whether it's an individual plugin license or a bundle license.

Benefits of Pro Support #

Our Pro Support team is dedicated to providing prompt assistance and expert guidance. As a premium user, you can expect the following benefits:

  1. Priority Assistance: Your support tickets will receive priority attention in our customer experience system, ensuring faster response times.
  2. Email Support: You can email your questions directly to our team. There's no need to log in to any support systems.
  3. Pro-Level Expertise: Our support professionals are well-versed in the features and functionality of PublishPress plugins. They can assist you with any questions, issues, or advanced features you encounter.
  4. In-Depth Troubleshooting: With your permission, our support representatives may access your WordPress dashboard and control panels to diagnose and resolve issues efficiently.

Support Scope #

What we do for support:

  1. Plugins Feature: We provide support for issues directly related to the current features and functionality of the PublishPress plugins.
  2. Plugins Bugs: We are welcome to a bug report. We will help you investigate if it's indeed a bug or just a missing feature. If it's a bug, we will create a task on our GitHub repository, and if it's a missing feature we will add it to our feature request box.

What we do not support:

  1. Third-Party Themes and Plugins: While we make every effort to offer assistance with compatibility issues involving third-party themes and plugins, we cannot always guarantee a resolution. If the issue is our plugin, you can expect a resolution. But if the issue is located on the other plugin, we recommend reaching out to the respective developers for dedicated support.
  2. Custom Code: Our support does not cover assistance with custom code. For help in these areas, we encourage you to hire a dedicated WordPress developer to achieve it.
  3. Custom Layout and Custom CSS: Sometimes we can help with basic CSS editing. However, we are not able to help with the custom CSS that is required for significant layout modifications.

We appreciate your understanding of our support scope, as it allows us to focus on delivering exceptional assistance for our users. If you encounter any difficulties within our support scope, we are here to help you navigate through them.

Note: Our teams do not work 24/7. They only work Monday to Friday. You can expect faster answers during the weekday, but not on the weekend. If you contact us on the weekend, we'll try to get back to you on Monday.

Knowledge Base and Documentation #

While our support team is committed to helping you, we also provide extensive documentation and tutorials in our Knowledge Base. We encourage you to explore these resources, as they often offer quick solutions to common queries and challenges.

You can check our documentation here.