Custom Visibility Statuses

Visibility Statuses control who can access published content on your WordPress site.

The PublishPress Statuses plugin integrates with the PublishPress Permissions Pro plugin. This integration allows you to create custom visibility statuses and control who can access the content on the front of your WordPress site.

Core WordPress Visibility Statuses #

We call this feature “Custom Visibility Statuses” because WordPress has three core visibility statuses:

  • Scheduled: This post is scheduled for future publication.
  • Published: This post is available to general public.
  • Private: This post is published for users logged in to your WordPress site.

You can see these three core statuses on the “Visibility Statuses” screen, as in this screenshot below:

How to Use Visibility Statuses #

You can enable this feature via the “Settings” area in the PublishPress Permissions plugin and the “Statuses” tab:

Enable Visibility Statuses

Go to “Statuses” and then “Visibility” and you'll see the visibility statuses.

Visibility statuses

These statuses will now be available when you're editing a published post. In this screenshot below, “Published” has been replaced by several different visibility statuses, including “Public”, “Private”, “Member”, “Premium”, and “Staff”.

Custom visibility statuses

How to Create New Visibility Statuses #

With the PublishPress Permissions Pro plugin enabled, you can create new Visibility Statuses.

  • Go to “Permissions” then “Settings”.
  • Click the “Statuses” tab and check the box labeled Custom Visibility Statuses”.
Enable visibility statuses
  • You will now be able to visit the main “Statuses” screen and click the “Add New” button.
Add new visibility statuses