Editorial Calendar

PublishPress is our plugin that provides you with all the tools you need to properly manage WordPress content. The plugin has a built-in editorial calendar to help you plan and manage all your upcoming content.

Using the PublishPress Calendar, you can easily see when content is planned, and when it was published. You can also drag-and-drop content to a new publication date.

Click here for more details on the calendar.

Pending Review or Draft? What’s the Difference in WordPress?

Here at PublishPress, our focus is on creating publishing workflows in WordPress. This includes allowing you to create custom statuses in WordPress. However, before moving on to more advanced workflows, people often need some clarity on the basic workflow features in WordPress. For example, what exactly is the difference between “Pending Review” and “Draft”?

3 Expensive Content Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid

Content marketing has been on the rise for the last 10 years and for good reason. It helps businesses establish their authority, reach more people and build their audiences, so they can sell more of their products or services. It’s an effective way to grow your business, whether that’s through articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts,…

Collaborative Editing is a Really Difficult Challenge in WordPress

Here at PublishPress, we’re focused on the publishing experience in WordPress. And there’s interesting news on the horizon for WordPress publishers. Matt Mullenweg and the WordPress team want to bring Google Docs-style editing to the new editor in Gutenberg Phase 3. This means that multiple people can be updating the same document at the same…