Beaver Builder

The popular Beaver Builder plugin is a very good page-builder for WordPress sites. It is possible to use Beaver Builder with the PublishPress plugins. You can click here to download the free version of Beaver Builder.

Revisionary Pro is Ready for Testing

Earlier this year, we relaunched the Revisionary plugin as part of our merger with PressPermit. Revisionary is the best choice for managing, scheduling and moderating WordPress revisions. After a summer of hard work, we’re getting close to launching Revisionary version 2. There is an updated Free plugin and an all-new version of Revisionary called PublishPress…

Coming Soon: Revisionary Pro

Earlier this year, we relaunched the Revisionary plugin as part of our merger with PressPermit. Revisionary is the best choice for managing, scheduling and moderating WordPress revisions. After a summer of hard work, we’re getting close to launching some major improvements to Revisionary, including a new version: Revisionary Pro.