WordPress Tags

How to Add Tags and Categories to WordPress Pages

Categories and Tags are the main ways you can organize WordPress content. However, on a normal WordPress site, both Categories and Tags are only available for Posts. This means that you can’t organize your Pages, unless you use the Parent/Child setup. You also can’t perform some useful tasks with PublishPress plugins. For example, you could…

The PublishPress Series Plugin is Available

Last month, we adopted the “Organize Series” plugin. We’re pleased to say we’ve renamed the plugin “PublishPress Series” and have released a new version of the plugin with many bug-fixes and improvements. PublishPress Series is a plugin that allows you to group content together into a series. This is ideal for magazines, newspapers, short-story writers,…

We’ve Adopted the Organize Series Plugin

Today, I’m delighted to announce that we’ve adopted the “Organize Series” plugin and extensions. “Organize Series” is a plugin that allows you to group content together into a series. This is ideal for magazines, newspapers, short-story writers, teachers, comic artists, or anyone who writes multiple posts on the same topic. The plugin aligns perfectly with…