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What is the upload_files permission in WordPress?

The “upload_files” capability is one of the most important in WordPress. If users don’t have the “upload_files” capability, they completely lose access to the Media Library. They can’t upload files or even browse media on your site. If users do not have the “upload_files” capability, this image below shows what they will see when they use…

PublishPress Blocks Pro Has Dozens of New Features

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been working on a large number of improvements to PublishPress Blocks Pro. In the latest version, you’ll see dozens of new design, layout, and alignment options, plus lots of other improvements. Almost all of the ideas for improvements have come from PublishPress users. Here’s a rundown of the new…

How to Show Content in an Accordion with the Gutenberg Editor

An accordion layout allows you to pĺace large quantities of text on a reduced space. Your site’s visitors can get overwhelmed when presented with too much text to read at once. If you use an accordion layout, your visitors can scan and look for the information they need. An accordion is perfect for Frequently Asked…

What is Gutenberg Phase 3?

Matt Mullenweg introduced the Gutenberg project at WordCamp US in late 2016. If you want a big picture overview of why Gutenberg was built, I recommend Matt’s post, “We Called it Gutenberg for a Reason“. We are nearly 4 years into the project now, and are not yet half-way through. The Gutenberg project is split…

Collaborative Editing is a Really Difficult Challenge in WordPress

Here at PublishPress, we’re focused on the publishing experience in WordPress. And there’s interesting news on the horizon for WordPress publishers. Matt Mullenweg and the WordPress team want to bring Google Docs-style editing to the new editor in Gutenberg Phase 3. This means that multiple people can be updating the same document at the same…