Author Boxes

PublishPress Authors Now Has Categories for Your Creators

We always listen carefully to your feedback. Sometimes that feedback is so overwhelming that we have to build a feature. This happened with PublishPress Authors. The PublishPress Authors plugin allows you to create, manage and display authors for all your WordPress content. Your feedback was that you wanted to have different types of authors. Imagine…

PublishPress Checklists Has a New Interface and OpenAI Integration

With the PublishPress Checklists plugin, you can choose pre-publishing requirements for your content. We’ve just released version 2.10, which has a new interface and also integrates with OpenAI. In this guide, I’ll show you how the interface makes PublishPress Checklists easier to use. I’ll also explain how to use OpenAI to automatically scan and approve…

How to Show PublishPress Author Fields in a Vertical Layout

One of our PublishPress Authors users wanted to show their Author Fields in a vertical layout, but they were having difficulty in achieving that kind of layout. In this article, we will show you how to display the Author Fields in a stacked / vertical layout. This image below shows the layout we are aiming…