Say Hello to the New PublishPress Notifications

Over the last few weeks, we've been working hard to improve the Notifications area in PublishPress.

The Notifications feature makes sure your WordPress team members get the content updates they need.

There are a lot of setting in there, so our challenge was to make sure the user interface is very easy to use. Finally, we think we've succeeded.

You have 3 choices when it comes to sending notifications:

  • When to notify?
  • Filter the content?
  • Who to notify?

Let's walk you through those three options …

When to notify?

This area allows to decide when to trigger the notification. You can send the notification automatically:

  • When an editorial comment is added.
  • When content is moved to a new status. For example, you can send a notification when content moves from “Draft” to “Published”.

Filter the content?

This allows you to send the notification, only if some content is impacted. For example, you might want to send notifications only for
Posts and Pages. Alternatively, you might want to send notifications only for content in a particular Category.

Who to notify?

This feature allows you to send notifications only to certain users. For example, you might choose to send notifications only to users in the “Copy Editors” group.

Two example notification workflows

When you first install PublishPress, you get two notification workflows.

First, there's “Notify when content is published”:

  • When to notify? This trigger works when content is moved to “Published”.
  • Filter the content? You will need to login and choose the content you want to enable this for.
  • Who to notify? The Site Administrator and the Authors of the content.

There is also the “Notify on editorial comments” workflow:

  • When to notify? When an editorial comment is added.
  • Filter the content? You will need to login and choose the content you want to enable this for.
  • Who to notify? The Site Administrators.

Customizing the Email Content

In addition to customizing when the notifications are sent, you can also customize the notification emails. The email body can be edited using the form shown below. There are a wide range of placeholders you can use to automatically file in the post title, author, URL and other details.


  • Steve Burge

    Steve is the founder of PublishPress. He's been working with open source software for over 20 years. Originally from the UK, he now lives in Sarasota in the USA. This profile is generated by the PublishPress Authors plugin.


  1. I cannot find a status code to show the “status” of the post in the notification. I think this is essential information. Is it possible to add it ?

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