Author: Steve Burge

What is the upload_files permission in WordPress?

The “upload_files” capability is one of the most important in WordPress. If users don’t have the “upload_files” capability, they completely lose access to the Media Library. They can’t upload files or even browse media on your site. If users do not have the “upload_files” capability, this image below shows what they will see when they use…

How to Use the unfiltered_html Capability in WordPress

In this tutorial, I’m going to introduce you to the unfiltered_html permission. This permission is a security feature in WordPress that prevents users from using tags such as iframe and embed, plus also more advanced code such as Javascript. This unfiltered_html permission could be very dangerous in the wrong hands, so please don’t give this…

Introducing WordPress OAuth Plugins and Integrations

OAuth is short for “Open Authorization” and it is an open standard for user management. Anyone can use the OAuth protocols and frameworks. You can find OAuth services available via small WordPress plugins and also large multinational companies. For example, when you sign up for an app it may offer the chance to login using…

How to Use Private Posts and Pages in WordPress

“Private” is one of eight post statuses available in WordPress. These statuses control whether WordPress posts are visible to the entire world, waiting for moderation, or sent to the trash to await deletion. When you write in WordPress, you will most commonly see the Draft, Pending Review and Publish statuses. The Private status is used…