upload_files capability

What is the upload_files permission in WordPress?

The “upload_files” capability is one of the most important in WordPress. If users don’t have the “upload_files” capability, they completely lose access to the Media Library. They can’t upload files or even browse media on your site. If users do not have the “upload_files” capability, this image below shows what they will see when they use…

WordPress User Roles and Capabilities in the Database

Several of our PublishPress plugins allow you to control what users can do on your WordPress site. These plugins allow you to change user permissions via the WordPress admin area. However, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. PublishPress customers often have questions from users about WordPress permissions and where they are stored in…

What is the Edit Posts Permission in WordPress?

The goal of PublishPress is to provide professional publishing tools for WordPress. When larger, professional organizations start to use PublishPress, a lot of their questions revolve around permissions.  Permissions questions do not have easy answers in WordPress. The permissions system in WordPress can be confusing. One example of this confusion is the “Edit Posts” permission….