Number of characters in title

With the PublishPress Checklists plugin, you can require a maximum and minimum number of characters for the Title in your WordPress content. If the Title isn't the correct length, you can choose to show a warning, or prevent the post from being published.

Many sites require the title to be around 55 to 60 characters long. This is often because that is the optimal length to show in Google's search results.

  • Go to Checklists > Settings.
  • The image below shows the Title option.
  • You can choose from “Disabled, Recommended, or Required” options.
  • You can choose “Who can ignore this task?”
  • You can enter choices for “Min” and “Max”.
55 60 Title
55 60 Title

If you enable this title option, it will be visible when you edit content.

If your title is not the correct length, this task will be marked in red in the sidebar:

Red Title Task
Red Title Task

If your title is the correct length, this task will be marked in green in the sidebar:

Red Title Green
Red Title Green