Getting Started With Metadata Scheduling

In PublishPress Future Pro it is possible to schedule changes to your posts based on metadata. This makes it possible to integrate PublishPress Future with other plugins. For example, you can create a date field in the Advanced Custom Fields plugin and use that to control the date for Future Actions.

Types of Data in Metadata Scheduling #

When you are using an integration, there are five types of data that you can update in PublishPress Future:

  • Action Status: This field specifies if the action should be enabled. Anything different from “saved” or 1 will mean that the action is disabled.
  • Action Date: This field stores the scheduled date for the action.
  • Action Type: This field stores the type of action that will be executed.
  • Taxonomy Name: The taxonomy name for being used when selecting terms. Only required for taxonomy-related actions.
  • Taxonomy Terms: A list of term's IDs for being used by the action. Only required for taxonomy-related actions.

If you've enabled this feature for a specific post type, you can optionally customize the metakey used for storing each Future action's data or stick with the default metakeys. Then every time the metadata is processed, the plugin will look for the specific metadata, and if the flag is not found, it will process the scheduling based on the metadata values.

NameDefault MetakeyData FormatDescription
Action Status_expiration-date-status“saved” or 1This field specifies if the action should be enabled or not. Anything different from “saved” or 1 will mean that the action is ignored.
Action Date
_expiration-dateUnix timestamp or YYYY-mm-dd H:i:s
This field stores the scheduled date for the action.
Action Type_expiration-date-typeIt should contain a lowercase string, with no spaces or special chars. A value that is compatible with sanitize_key.This field stores the type of action that will be executed.
Taxonomy Name_expiration-date-taxonomyIt should contain a lowercase string, with no spaces or special chars. A value that is compatible with sanitize_key.The taxonomy name for being used when selecting terms. Only required for taxonomy related actions.
Taxonomy Terms_expiration-date-categoriesA comma separated list of integer numbers.A list of term's IDs for being used by the action. Only required for taxonomy related actions.

Available Action Types #

Action NameAction Description
draftChange status to Draft
privateChange status to Private
trashChange status to Trash
categoryReplace all categories
category-addAdd extra categories
category-removeRemove selected categories
category-remove-allRemove all categories
custom_status_[custom-status-name]Change status to [custom-status-name] – Only on Pro, for statuses enabled for the post type.