v2.12.0- 2023-08-17 * Changed: Replaced Pimple library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins; * Changed: Replaced Psr/Container library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins; * Changed: Change min PHP version to 7.2.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute; * Changed: Change min WP version to 5.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute; * Changed: Updated internal libraries to latest versions; * Changed: Refactor some occurrences of \"plugins_loaded\" replacing it by a new action: \"plublishpress_<name>_loaded\" which runs after the requirements and libraries are loaded, but before the plugin is initialized; v2.11.5- 2023-07-20 * Update: Allow users to re-order drafts series, #815 * Update: Add series metabox order settings, #814 * Update: Add series upgrade action button to settings, #810 * Fixed: Scheduled posts publish with no part, #821 * Update: Small text change for migration, #816 * Update: French translation update for Series Free - June 2023, #812 * Update: ES-IT Translation updates June 2023, #809 * Update: Series PRO ES-FR-IT Translation Updates July 2023, #825 v2.11.4- 2023-06-15 * Update: Remove auto series part feature * Fixed: Series Order is broken with Multiple Series, #774 * Fixed: Editing Series order not updating, #746 * Fixed: Navigation is broken by draft posts, #783 * Update: Remove unpublished series parts in frontend, #782 * Fixed: Text in missing for Multiple Series, #773 * Fixed: Add a link to Manage Series if no series are available, #728 * Fixed: Remove the banner for Blocks, #770 v2.11.3- 2023-05-30 * Fixed: Multiple Series is not working in Pro, #769 * Fixed: \"Post Types\" no longer appears in Series Pro, #768 * Fixed: plugins_loaded hooks are not executed anymore, #771 v2.11.2- 2023-05-23 * Update: Fix issue with v2.11.0 and re-release update with below changes: * Update: Added new token %post_title_short% and %post_title_short_linked%, #523 * Fixed: %post_title_list_short% not working, #523 * Fixed: Broken Post list display for series box style, #691 * Fixed: Classic Widget \"Series Table of Content\" sorting not working, #715 * Fixed: Taxonomy change not working, #701 * Fixed: Invalid form control with name=’series_part[0]’ is focusable when series part is disabled, #694 * Fixed: PHP Warning error in server log, #693 * Update: Add \'category_ids\' and \'series_ids\' parameters to [series_post_categories], #709 * Fixed: Sorting series is not working for [series_toc] shortcode, #696 * Fixed: Series Order not working for multiple series, #706 * Fixed: Manual series part not working when Automatic Numbering is enabled, #702 * Update: Series-v2.10.0-ES-IT_TranslationUpdate-5_October2022, #665 v2.11.1- 2023-05-18 * Update: Rollback 2.11.0 v2.11.0 - 2023-05-18 * Changed: Replaced Pimple library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins; * Changed: Replaced Psr/Container library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins; * Changed: Change min PHP version to 7.2.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute; * Changed: Change min WP version to 5.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute; * Changed: Updated internal libraries to latest versions; v2.10.1- 2023-01-04 * Update: Added new token %post_title_short% and %post_title_short_linked%, #523 * Fixed: %post_title_list_short% not working, #523 * Fixed: Broken Post list display for series box style, #691 * Fixed: Classic Widget \"Series Table of Content\" sorting not working, #715 * Fixed: Taxonomy change not working, #701 * Fixed: Invalid form control with name=’series_part[0]’ is focusable when series part is disabled, #694 * Fixed: PHP Warning error in server log, #693 * Update: Add \'category_ids\' and \'series_ids\' parameters to [series_post_categories], #709 * Fixed: Sorting series is not working for [series_toc] shortcode, #696 * Fixed: Series Order not working for multiple series, #706 * Fixed: Manual series part not working when Automatic Numbering is enabled, #702 * Update: Series-v2.10.0-ES-IT_TranslationUpdate-5_October2022, #665 v2.10.0- 2022-10-04 * Feature: Add Series and Series Group re-order field with term drag and drop feature #584 * Feature: Add series order link to series and new post selected series #612 * Feature: Add series Groups(Categories) overview page shortcode [publishpress_series_categories] #591 * Feature: Add search box to series metabox #239 * Feature: Add settings to limit series meta display to single page only #588 * Fixed: Only allow valid numbers in series part input #634 * Update: Set series part if empty irrespective of Automatic Numbering settings #636 * Feature: Add filter, search and pagination to \"Publish Series\" screen #510 * Update: Enable \"Show \"Series Part\"\" by default #617 * Fixed: Font styles and font sizes inconsistency on \'Series Table of Contents\' widget page #604 * Fixed: Syntax Error on \'Edit Series\' page #607 * Update: Simplify the Publish Series screen #614 * Update: Change the menu links inside Series #615 * Fixed: TOC template header and footer deprecated in FSE themes #623 * Fixed: Groups template header and footer deprecated in FSE themes #416 * Fixed: Series taxonomy template header and footer deprecated in FSE themes #409 * Feature: Add \"Series Groups\" into a Free feature #613 * Fixed: Remove new taxonomy metabox #595 * Fixed: Float left for next post navigation #586 * Update: Series-Translation updates for Spanish July 21 #578 * Update: Series-Translation updates for French-Spanish-Italian #567 * Update: Remove \"Create as unpublished\"? #655 * Fixed: Series link in \"Posts\" table doesn\'t go anywhere #651 v2.9.2- 2022-07-12 * Fixed: Problem with series navigation and List #568 * Fixed: Define plugin addon path from primary plugin file to fix include error #570 v2.9.1- 2022-07-06 * Feature: Added series Table of Content shortcode [publishpress_series_toc], #559 * Update: Disable automatic numbering for new installs #515 * Fixed: %post_date% doesn\'t work #525 * Fixed: Exclude trash post from publish series \"Unpublish all\" #527 * Fixed: Small cleanup for \"Publish Series\" box #497 * Added: New Free vs Pro library #529 * Fixed: Multiple \"No Series\" in Quick Edit when no series is available #538 * Fixed: Issue with \"Update Order\" when posts are unpublished #528 * Added: Add a Promo for PublishPress Blocks #541 * Fixed: Issue with scheduled posts and part #552 * Update: Show \"Post status\" instead of \"Last Modified\" on the publish series screen #553 * Update: Updated translations #560 * Update: Translation check #557 * Fixed: Error in PHP 5.6.39 #535 v2.9.0.1- 2022-05-17 * Fixed: Series not enable in rest api #531 v2.9.0- 2022-04-21 * Fixed: Better way to re-order posts in a series #377 * Fixed: Improved publish Series display #494 * Fixed: Include a sidebar for Pro #462 * Fixed: Small warning about plain permalinks #496 * Fixed: Update \"Series Groups\" Menu title #495 * Fixed: Remove publish series menu promo from series menu #498 * Fixed: Re-numbering of posts within the series #477 * Fixed: Publish Series screen in Free version #478 v2.8.2- 2022-04-12 * Fixed: Issue with series menu permission #488 * Fixed: Remove lines and paddings from Series Metabox #484 v2.8.1- 2022-04-11 * Fixed: Custom Post Type Archive not working anymore #474 * Fixed: Issue with Post Title in Widget #473 * Fixed: Small changes to \"Display\" settings #466 * Fixed: \"Series\" should be \"Settings\" #470 * Fixed: Two issues with Series Table of Contents #465 v2.8.0- 2022-03-15 * Fixed: New theme with better design #272 * Fixed: Improved design for \"Publish Series\" screen #436 * Fixed: Improved design for Series overview page #309 * Fixed: Using \"id=\"primary\" for series overview page messes up with primary widget area #353 * Fixed: Improve design for Series taxonomy #395 * Fixed: PHP 8 issue in settings #400 * Fixed: Latest Series widget text #402 * Fixed: New area for Series Table of Contents #403 * Fixed: Series Meta (with excerpts): #404 * Fixed: Small text cleanup in \"Display\" #406 * Fixed: Improved design for Groups page #394 * Fixed: Move the \"Overview\" tab #405 * Fixed: Need spacing in Navigation template #418 * Fixed: Styling not working for group and toc pages #421 * Fixed: Simplify the metabox #408 * Fixed: Series Post List Post Title (unpublished) Template: #401 * Fixed: Issue with \"the_content\" hook #306 * Fixed: Move series order to overview section #424 * Fixed: Disable Series Free when Series Pro is installed #440 * Fixed: \"Publish Series\" feature only works with \"Pending Review\" #437 * Fixed: Using \"Publish posts in series\" produces a 0 for part number #454 * Fixed: Scheduled posts marked with no Part #452 * Fixed: Consistent design for Settings #434 * Fixed: Move series \"Add New\" metabox to html #433 v2.7.5- 2022-02-07 * Fixed: Stop automatic re-numbering of posts within the series #376 * Fixed: WPDebug shows a bunch of errors in the Settings #381 * Fixed: Notice: Undefined index: series_custom_base #380 * Fixed: Problem with Series Post List box and %series_part% #382 v2.7.4- 2022-01-20 * Fixed: Series option update message v2.7.3- 2022-01-20 * Fixed: HTML tags being stripped when saving #362 * Fixed: PHP Warning: Undefined array key #354 * Fixed: Design for boxes is missing #352 * Fixed: Issue with translation string #366 * Fixed: Updated Italian, Spanish and French translations #361 * Fixed: Issues with new series layout #360 * Fixed: Don\'t override taxonomy template when layout is default #349 v2.7.2- 2022-01-05 * Fixed: Make text easier to read #348 * Fixed: Overview page layout description #346 * Fixed: Don\'t override taxonomy template when layout is default #349 * Fixed: Add capability check for saving options * Fixed: Santize all form entries * Fixed: Add and validate all form nonce v2.7.1- 2021-12-09 * Fixed: PHP notices from the widget #303 * Fixed: Visual bug with the \"Series Taxonomy\" choice #312 * Fixed: Deprecated notices #307 * Added: Capability to access the \"Series\" menu #313 * Fixed: \"Show Series Table Of Content\" setting is broken in widget #308 * Added: Allow users to customize buttons #311 * Added: \"Click to view\" for \"Series Table of Contents URL\" #320 * Added: Add series group template to PRO version group addon #202 * Fixed: Sidebar warning for theme without sidebar.php on custom template #335 * Fixed: Improved design for Series overview page #309 * Added: Bulk edit for series #338 v2.7.0- 2021-11-17 * Fixed: Clarify what HTML is allowed in templates #273 * Fixed: Update the Reviews box class #274 * Fixed: Add message to draft series without part number #261 * Feature: Added %first_post% token to series navigation #232 * Fixed: Incorrect Yoast SEO attributes for Series TOC page #82 * Added: New menu link for Series #278 * Added: Post list series limit #271 * Feature: Allow users to change the navigation, metabox or post series box position #270 * Feature: Improve the \"Series Table of Content\" widge #238 * Fixed: wp_serieslist_display() Not Working #287 * Fixed: Issue with Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin #87 * Fixed: PHP Notice: Trying to access array offse #298 v2.6.3- 2021-09-29 * Fixed: Fix \"invalid_taxonomy\" WP_Error #88 * Fixed: Append to series on action Scheduled to Published #83 * Fixed: Fix \"Only variable references should be returned by reference\" #89 * Fixed: Edit Series screen has bold text over-run #225 * Fixed: More clarity on \"Templates\" tab #226 * Fixed: Template previous button arrows are in the wrong direction and not saving #233 * Fixed: Show the ID in Manage Series #237 * Fixed: Metabox is not entirely clear with Multiple Series #229 * Fixed: Larger boxes for Templates area #236 * Feature: Allow \"Table of Contents\" widget to show a specified series #234 * Added: Add a review request #210 * Added: Include Italian translation #253 * Fixed: Series Grouping using categories #216 v2.6.2- 2021-09-07 * Fixed: Yoast SEO issue #206 * Fixed: Move \"Reset options\" to uninstall tab #208 * Fixed: Improve settings option labels #205 * Fixed: 2.6.1 is causing a JavaScript error in core #213 * Fixed: Can\'t add icon/image to a series #187 v2.6.1- 2021-09-02 * Fixed: More room on settings pages #183 * Fixed: Clean up for icons screen #181 * Fixed: Series page shows \"No tags found.\" #182 * Fixed: Small design issues in metabox #160 * Fixed: Multiple series list overlays fields #188 * Fixed: Make plugin translatable #186 * Fixed: Quick Edit problem with Multiples #196 * Fixed: Changes to \'General\' Settings #199 * Fixed: Formatting issues with Latest Series Widget #198 v2.6.0- 2021-08-26 * Updated: New name and remove previous sidebar branding #98 * Fixed: Clean up sidebar box in post editingg screen #99 * Fixed: Fix \"Use of undefined constant SERIES_QUERYVAR\" error #86 * Fixed: PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null #117 * Fixed: Edit series error #126 * Fixed: Series settings screen cleanup #129 * Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined index notices on settings update #144 * Fixed: PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null on series single page #147 * Fixed: Improve CSS on frontend #162 * Fixed: Use new Media Library for series icon selection #141 * Fixed: Series TOC Widget improvements #163 * Fixed: Latest Series widget doesn\'t load #164 * Added: Package add-ons into Pro version #101 * Added: Add Upgrade banner for Pro version #100 * Added: Add the PublishPress Footer to free version #97