= [4.1.0] - 04 April 2024 = * Update : Improve the Content Overview screen with selectable columns, #1538 * Update : Clean up Content Overview Filters, #1558 * Update : Add \"New Post\" modal to Content Overview, #1557 * Update : Turkish Translation for Planner, #1568 * Update : Planner translation Updates from v4.0.3, #1549 = [4.0.3] - 23 Jan 2024 = * Fixed : Time no longer showing on the calendar for some statuses, #1533 * Update : Update Content Calendar statuses default color, #1523 * Fixed : Fix missing translation string for calendar “view X more” and “hide the X last items”, #1536 * Fixed : Calendar filters too cramped with the X, #1535 * Fixed : Settings default to \"Features\" instead of first tab, #1524 * Fixed : Deprecation issue, #1540 * Fixed : Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array, #1525 * Update : Re-enable Dashboard Widgets, #1505 * Update : Translation Updates Planner, January 2024, #1522 = [4.0.2] - 04 Jan 2024 = * Fixed : Calendar did not show status colors if PublishPress Statuses plugin is not activated * Compat: PublishPress Statuses - iframe Install Now button for new plugin did not work = [4.0.1] - 04 Jan 2024 = * Compat: PublishPress Statuses plugin integration * Update: Add first name and last name to Notification shortcode, #1500 * Update: Make Content Overview default date filters to 1 month back and 1 month ahead, #1503 * Update: Remove javascript from href attributes on components, #1511 * Fixed: User type metadata displaying user id instead of display name in notification, #1515 * Fixed: Invalid use of props on select component in the calendar screen, #1508 * Fixed: Warning on console: Each child in a list should have a unique \"key\" prop, #1507 * Fixed: Warning on console: ReactDOM.render is no longer supported in React 18, #1506 * Update: Planner FREE V4.0.0 Translation Updates ES-FR-IT, #1512 = [3.12.2] - 28 Sept 2023 = * Update: Show only users who have written a comment in Editorial Comment User filtter, #1220 * Fixed: \"Save as\" button contains duplicated text in Safari, #1389 * Fixed: Migration from Edit-Flow not importing Editorial Metadata fields, #1459 * Update: Remove the Dashboard Widgets, #1449 * Update: Add a promo sidebar in the Free version, #1203 * Fixed: Critial Error on the plugin settings page when some features are disabled, #1469 * Update: Move the Notifications Log to a button, #1407 * Fixed: Post without post_date_gmt or post_modified_date_gmt not showing in google calendar export, #1461 * Fixed: Metadata not showing on the Calendar when viewable is enabled, #1216 * Fixed: Content Overview dates filter reset not working, #1378 * Update: Adjust Content Overview Filter and Reset buttons, #1406 * Update: Replace the penguins with normal page headers, #1402 * Update: PLANNER PRO: ES-FR-IT_Transaltions Updates September 2023, #1457 * Update: PLANNER FREE- Translation Updates September 10, 2023, #1458 = [3.12.1] - 06 Sept 2023 = * Fixed: Editorial comments delete capability issue, #1420 * Feature: Added deleting button on Editorial Comment Page, #1386 * Fixed: Update notification not showing under the Dashboard Updates screen or the Plugins screen, #1454 * Update: Include scheduled post in Export to Calendar, #1372 * Fixed: Issue with \"&\" in calendar category filter, #1446 * Fixed: Issue with fix_get_sample_permalink method, #1431 * Fixed: Deprecations notice on PHP 8.1, #1414 * Fixed: Double slug on schedule page, #1429 * Fixed: action_parse_query hook generates fatal error, #1410 * Fixed: PublishPress Planner conflect with Series Order, #1424 * Fixed: Planner FREE -ES-FR-IT Translation Updates August 2023, #1439 = [3.12.0] - 15 Aug 2023 = * Changed: Replaced Pimple library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins; * Changed: Replaced Psr/Container library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins; * Changed: Change min PHP version to 7.2.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute; * Changed: Change min WP version to 5.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute; * Changed: Updated internal libraries to latest versions; * Changed: Refactor some occurrences of \"plugins_loaded\" replacing it by a new action: \"publishpress_planner_pro_loaded\" which runs after the requirements and libraries are loaded, but before the plugin is initialized; = [3.11.0] - 20 June 2023 = * Changed: Replaced Pimple library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins; * Changed: Replaced Psr/Container library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins; * Changed: Change min PHP version to 7.2.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute; * Changed: Change min WP version to 5.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute; * Changed: Updated internal libraries to latest versions; * Changed: Refactor some occurrences of \"plugins_loaded\" replacing it by a new action: \"plublishpress_<name>_loaded\" which runs after the requirements and libraries are loaded, but before the plugin is initialized; = [3.10.2] - 30 May 2022 = * Fixed: Metadata reorder not working, #1228 * Fixed: Content Overview Date Filter not working for 1 day date range, #1225 * Fixed: Content Overview Modified Date Toggle not working, #1233 * Fixed: Dropdown Select metadata type update, #1214 * Fixed: Tiny typo in metadata settings, #1221 * Update: Add the new \"PublishPress Planner\" name in the footer, #1215 * Fixed: User profile notification channel setting not updating, #1218 * Update: ES-FR-IT Translation Updates January 2023, #1241 * Update: Italian translation Update December 6, #1217 = [3.10.1] - 02 Dec 2022 = * Fixed: Fatal Error caused by 3.10.0 update, #1204 = [3.10.0] - 01 Dec 2022 = * Update: Rename the plugin to \"PublishPress Planner\", #1077 * Update: Add Metadata top level menu link, #666 * Update: Add a Dropdown Select type to metadata, #564 * Update: Show and Add metadata on the Calendar, #284 * Update: Add Role filter for editorial metadata of User type, #801 * Update: Allow to choose post type where the metadata is displayed, #464 * Update: Notification threshold description, #1179 * Fixed: \"User\" metadata metabox doesn\'t scale well, #563 * Fixed: New Slack integration doesn\'t support private channels, #1065 * Update: A setting to change the name showing in editorial comments, #1162 * Fixed: Rating stars in PublishPress footer are unevenly spaced, #1150 * Update: PublishPress-PRO ES-FR-IT Translation Updates November 4, 2022, #1164 * Update: PublishPress-FREE-TranslationUpdates_FR-IT_November3_2022, #1163 = [3.9.0] - 3 Nov 2022 = * Update: Add Editorial Comments menu, #319 * Update: Add file upload option to Editorial Comments, #757 * Fixed: Notification User Role Keeps Reverting, #1136 * Fixed: No Save Button on Editorial Comment Setting, #1134 * Fixed: Error on console when accessing Widget, #1135 * Fixed: Fatal error preventing user update, #1152 * Fixed: Editorial Notifications channel not updating when user is updated, #1151 * Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined property warning on notification add/edit screen, #1147 * Fixed: Add editorial comments metabox priority filter, #1084 * Fixed: Extra \"General\" heading in \"Slack\" and \"Reminders\", #1122 * Fixed: Publishpress-v3.8.4-ES-FR-IT_TranslationUpdate-5_October2022, #1133 * Fixed: Press-ES-FR-IT-Translation-Update-September2022, #1124 = [3.8.4] - 3 Oct 2022 = * Changed: Removed Twig dependency, refactoring the views for using plain PHP templates, #1125; = [3.8.3] - 8 Sep 2022 = * Fixed: Custom Status Conflict – PublishPress, #1105 * Update: Show Content Overview Post Types Content Together, #1062 * Update: Change to Content Overview \"Start Date\" and \"End Date\" filter, #1064 * Update: Update to Settings tabs #443 * Update: Publishpress-ES-FR-IT-translation-update_August2022, #1104 = [3.8.2] - 17 Aug 2022 = * Update: Sticky filters on the Calendar, #1088 * Update: Allow users to choose whether or not to show the whole page title, #1089 * Fixed: Double slug on hierarchical page when in draft mode, #1087 * Fixed: Metadata box shows errors if there are no fields, #1085 * Fixed: Problem with html characters on calendar, #1037 * Fixed: Metadata filters don\'t work on Content Overview, #1070 * Fixed: Fix calendar time picker time picker, #914 * Update: Stop loading assets on non-PublishPress /wp-admin/ pages, #330 = [3.8.1] - 7 Jun 2022 = * Fixed: Uncaught Error: syntax error, unexpected \')\' in lower php version, #1071 = [3.8.0] - 6 Jun 2022 = * Update: Allow mentioning Slack users using the username instead of requiring the user IDs, #1045 * Update: Added new token {{!everyone}} {{!here}} and {{!subteam^abcde123456}} to enable “Everyone” , “Here” and “User group” mention in notification, #1044 * Fixed: Slack notifications referencing slack users by raw member IDs stopped working after v3.7.1, #1042 * Update: Improve content overview date filter, #969; * Update: Move content overview from general settings to it own tab, #971; * Added: Add support for more taxonomies in content overview screen, #970; * Added: Add metadata filter option to content overview screen, #935; * Fixed: Fix all users showing in dropdow on calendar and content overview screen, #1035; * Fixed: Fix status permissions on calendar, #1038; * Added: Add publishpress-instance-protection package, #1034; = [3.7.2] - 24 may 2022 = * Fixed: Can\'t send notifications to different Slack channels, or to Slack users. Refactored the Slack integration to use OAuth token in the API instead of the incoming webhook URL. Requires re-authenticating to Slack, #1040; * Added: Add mew filter before sending Slack messages, \"publishpress_slack_message_channel\"; * Changed: Deprecated filter \"publishpress_slack_actions\", replaced by \"publishpress_slack_message_actions\"; * Changed: Deprecated filter \"publishpress_slack_text\", replaced by \"publishpress_slack_message_text\"; = [3.7.1] - 21 apr 2022 = * Fixed: Fix performance, removing automatic deactivation of Edit Flow, replacing it by a simple admin notice, #998; * Fixed: Fix PHP error on customizer, due to a inline JS script added by mistake out of the head tag, #562; * Fixed: Fix drag and drop of pending posts, #1015; * Fixed: Fix integration with The Events Calendar for moving events in the calendar, #1016; * Fixed: Updated POT file, pt_BR, es_ES, fr_FR and it_IT translations; * Fixed: Fix warning about WP_User_Query being called with an argument that is deprecated, #1014; * Fixed: Fix conflict with The Events Calendar query, forcing to display event items in the calendar based on the post_date, #1020; * Fixed: Removed duplicated `event` param from the workflow action; * Fixed: Change the action used to trigger post status transition notifications, from `transition_post_status` to `wp_after_insert_post`, #940, #671; * Fixed: Fix the nonce check for the bulk actions on the notifications log, #1019; * Fixed: Fix performance issue with file i/o usage when trying to disable deprecated plugins on every request, #808; * Fixed: Fix fatal error on Slack settings tab, #1008; * Added: Add debug option for Slack messages in the settings panel, #1007; * Added: Add a search box to content overview screen #972; * Added: Add filter \"publishpress_calendar_data_args\" allowing to customize the query of posts on the calendar, #1017; * Added: Add select field for the custom fields API to the calendar popup, #1010; * Changed: Remove the deprecated settings field: slack username, slack channel. Those information are automatically set when you create a new webhook URL; * Changed: Updated the Slack API integration and webhook URL management, removing legacy config fields; = [3.7.0] - 02 fev 2022 = * Fixed: Fix the admin menu Debug Log that was not being displayed, #992; * Fixed: Fix the fatal error while exporting the calendar as ICS file, #994; * Fixed: Fix the post type filter in the calendar, #995; * Fixed: Fix fatal error: [Unknown column \'following_users\' in \'where clause\'], #982; * Fixed: Fix drag and drop of custom statuses for reordering, #986; * Fixed: Fix the time displayed in the calendar items on Safari, #1001; * Fixed: Fix moving items and date navigation on the calendar in Safari, #1002; * Fixed: Fix input sanitization in all the modules, HTML and SQL scaping in all the plugin; * Fixed: Fix an unopened script HTML tag in the editorial metadata module; * Fixed: Fix metadata in the notifications body for new posts, #574; * Fixed: Added better feedback on errors while ordering statuses in the admin; * Fixed: Fix the debug button to only display it for those who has permissions. The debug info were still safe, but the button was displayed, #993; * Fixed: Improved capability check on diverse functions and modules; * Fixed: Only load admin assets and the admin menu action if the user has permission for seeing that; * Fixed: Added nonce check for missed places; * Fixed: Added cache to the user, author and category searchs in the content_overview module; * Fixed: Fix the capability check for the configure button on editorial metadata metabox. It was only looking for the capability manage_options, which is customizable; * Fixed: Added a missed capability check before showing search results in the notifications log filters; * Fixed: Fixed PHP warning about function not defined: esc_array_of_options; * Fixed: Only look for default capabilitys on the calendar module if in the admin; * Fixed: Only add admin hooks if in the admin; * Fixed: Fix the delete action for notification log items; * Added: Add the value of the global constant DISABLE_WP_CRON to the debug info, #987; * Added: Add the value of the global debug constants WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY, WP_DEBUG_LOGv, and WP_DEBUG to the debug info, #998; * Changed: Removed not used and deprecated methods in the calendar module: save_post_notify_users, save_post_notify_roles, add_role_to_notify, handle_ajax_drag_and_drop; * Changed: Improved error handling on Ajax requests on the notifications log; * Changed: WP version updated to 5.9; * Changed: Removed not used method remove_object_terms of the calendar module class; = [3.6.3] - 18 Nov 2021 = * Fixed: Fix notifications page that tuns the WordPress admin area purple, #966; * Fixed: Fix \"save draft\" button has gone, #967; * Changed: Show the reviews banner on all admin pages; = [3.6.2] - 25 Oct 2021 = * Fixed: Can\'t edit the post status in the classic editor when WP to Twitter is activated, #958; * Fixed: Can\'t edit the post status in the block editor when Block Editor Colors is activated, #959; * Fixed: Block editor crashing if we resize the window to a mobile device dimension, #960; * Added: Add a review request banner, #949; = [3.6.1] - 04 Oct 2021 = * Fixed: Add constants to customize priority of main actions: action_init, action_init_after and action_ini_for_admin, #953; * Fixed: Fix notification body on events triggered by Elementor pages, #951; * Fixed: Refactor the settings GET var for fixing a compatibility issue with 3rd party plugin; = [3.6.0] - 02 Sep 2021 = * Added: Add support for notifications when post is trashed/untrashed posts, #939; * Added: Add support for notifications when post is updated/saved, #483; * Added: Add support on Notifications content for different data types in the meta fields, including support to ACF relationship fields for posts, link, taxonomy and user, #924; * Removed: Remove the deprecated module \"Roles\". Please, use PublishPress Capabilities or other plugin for handling user roles, #925; * Removed: Remove the deprecated module \"User Groups\", #926; * Fixed: Stop creating unused user roles on install, #926; * Fixed: Fixed spacing between fields in the calendar popup, #920; * Fixed: Fixed PHP warning about not set configuration: duplicated_notification_threshold; = [3.5.1] - 30 Aug 2021 = * Fixed: Fix undefined property stdClass::$author, #931; * Fixed: Notifications don\'t trigger for posts created in the frontend, #936; * Fixed: PHP warnings about not set configuration; * Fixed: Fix the order and orderby filter in the content overview; * Added: Add Japanese translation files, #934; = [3.5.0] - 5 Aug 2021 = * Added: Add the option to edit and delete editorial comments, #277; * Added: Add new capabilities to control who can edit or delete editorial comments: pp_delete_editorial_comment, pp_delete_others_editorial_comment, pp_edit_editorial_comment, pp_edit_others_editorial_comment, #277; * Fixed: Fix long text on the posts attributes in the calendar popup, #917; = [3.4.1] - 19 Jul 2021 = * Fixed: Fix the visual feedback for the calendar items drag and drop, #881; * Fixed: Fix the publishing time field in the calendar form to display the default publishing date, #882; * Fixed: Fix post creation capability check before allowing to create posts in the calendar, #799; * Fixed: Fix publishing capability check before allow to create posts with \"publish\", \"future\", \"private\" statuses, #825; * Fixed: Fix edit other posts capability check before allow to set a different author for the post, #834; * Fixed: Fix capabilities check before displaying the links in the footer of the items popup on the calendar, #887; * Fixed: Fix post subscribe capability check before displaying the option to \"Notify me\" in the item popup on the calendar, #886; * Fixed: Fix edit posts permission before allowing to move items in the calendar, #891; * Fixed: Fix PHP warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), #828; * Fixed: Fix the default selected status in the post creation form on the calendar, #893; * Fixed: Fix the \"load more\" behavior and links when the calendar is configured to display \"All posts\", #897; * Fixed: Fix the drag and drop behavior in the calendar to trigger WP hooks after updating the post, #895; * Fixed: Make the calendar string \"Click to add\" translatable, #883; * Fixed: Fix border of calendar cells on Firefox, #901; * Fixed: Fix date identified on clicking the calendar cell to create new posts, compensating the timezone, #903; * Fixed: Fix the post type selection for new posts created on the calendar, #904; * Fixed: Fix the format of the post date on the calendar popup, #905; * Fixed: Fix the format of the date on the title of the post form on the calendar, #906; * Fixed: Fix the JS error that the form in the calendar throws if the user can edit only one post type, #907; * Fixed: Fix the translation for the private taxonomies: \"pp_usergroup\", \"pp_notify_email\", \"pp_notify_role\" and \"pp_notify_user\", #908; * Fixed: Fix the click event over the \"Click to add\" label; = [3.4.0] - 07 Jul 2021 = * Changed: The calendar page has changed and is fully based on React now, #680; * Changed: Minor improvements to the calendar UI, #680; * Changed: The \"Show \'n\' more\" option in the calendar cells now works independently and shows the number of visible or hidden posts, #680; * Changed: The title field in the quick create form in the calendar is now focused automatically after the form is showed, #680; * Added: Added async data loading to the calendar, with faster navigation and filtering without the need to reload the page, #680; * Added: New quick create posts form in the calendar with specific fields per post type, #680; * Added: Added the Post ID to the calendar item popup, #680; * Added: Added the post status to the calendar item popup, #680; * Added: Added the post publishing date to the calendar item popup, #680; * Added: Added support to PublishPress Authors\' multiple authors in the calendar, #680; * Added: Added new fields for setting categories and tags when creating a post in the calendar, #680; * Added: Added the number of editorial comments of a post in the calendar item popup, #680; * Added: Type and create new post category or tag right in the quick create posts form in the calendar, #680; * Added: Added a new button to the calendar navigation controls to refresh the calendar, #680; * Fixed: Fixed support to PublishPress Authors for assigning guest authors to posts in the calendar, #680; * Fixed: Fixed the Max visible posts per date setting in the calendar, #680; * Fixed: Fixed the sorting option in the calendar for correctly sort items by publishing time or post status, #680; * Fixed: Fixed a bug when dragging and dropping items in the calendar, removing the visual feedback of sorting items in the calendar cell, #680; * Fixed: Fixed a bug after drag and drop an item in the calendar, showing the correct order of the moved item in the calendar cell, #680; * Fixed: Fix calendar items ordering when sorted by status or time, #680; * Fixed: Fix publishing date after publishing a post, using date_floating on custom statuses. Stops auto updating the publishing date with today\'s date, #741; * Fixed: Fix adding or editing an user Role, #872; * Fixed: Fix the scheduled time for cron events of scheduled posts that are moved to different dates in the calendar, #855; * Fixed: Allow to publish a post with backdate in the calendar or post edit page, #715; = [3.3.5] - 22 Jun 2021 = * Fixed: Fix code style; = [3.3.4] - 22 Jun 2021 = * Fixed: Fix the license key management; * Fixed: Fix the \"Update now\" notices when there is a most recent update available; = [3.3.3] - 16 Jun 2021 = * Fixed: Fix \"Statuses\" doesn\'t appear with a title in important areas, #846; * Fixed: Fix links to posts with custom privacy are changed to preview links, #852; = [3.3.2] - 27 May 2021 = * Fixed: Fix the icons for statuses, #841; * Fixed: Fix HTML syntax error in the custom status module for the admin pages; * Changed: Add new background color for the PublishPress Debug button; = [3.3.1] - 15 Apr 2021 = * Fixed: Fix the editorial comments for non-admins, #827; * Fixed: Check capability \"edit_pp_notif_workflows\" before displaying the \"Active Notifications\" list in the post edit page, not displaying it for those who can\'t edit notifications; * Fixed: Fix PHP warning about undefined index \"untrashed\" after trashing a scheduled post, #831; = [3.3.0] - 18 Mar 2021 = * Added: Add support to Elementor edit links in the [psppno_post elementor_edit_link] shortcode, #794; * Added: Add filters to customize the available fields in the notifications \"shortcode\" help text: publishpress_notifications_shortcode_post_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_actor_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_workflow_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_edcomments_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_receiver_fields; * Fixed: Fix the value of the notification channel for authors identified by the email, #793; * Fixed: Fixed the admin menu icon restoring the calendar dashicon, #802; * Fixed: Fixed PHP Fatal error Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function MA_Multiple_Authors::filter_workflow_receiver_post_authors, #814; * Fixed: Fixed bug on WP 5.7 that breaks the toggle button on accordion of metaboxes, #816; * Fixed: Fixed PHP notice: array to string conversion in debug.php:87, #813; * Fixed: Fix notifications to user\'s custom slack channels, #335; = [3.2.0] - 10 Feb 2021 = * Added: Added new option to notify Network admins, adding a notification log to the main site in the network, #765; * Added: Add option to rescheduled failed notifications in the notifications log. We only had that option for scheduled notifications, #786; * Added: Added option to the notification workflow for avoiding notifying the user who triggered the action, #778; * Added: Add the name of blog in the notification log content column, if in a multisite network; * Fixed: Fix calendar picking up the wrong day, depending on the time and timezone, #572; * Fixed: Fix styling for the error messages in the notifications log. The error lines were moved to the top of the screen due the \"error\" CSS class, #765; * Fixed: Add sanitization and escape variables in some variables, increasing compatibility with WP VIP and more security, #773; * Fixed: Fix PHP warning \"Creating default object from empty value in publishpress-authors.php:772\", correctly assigning the filter \"pp_pre_insert_editorial_comment\". (Allows PublishPress Revisions integration), #231; * Fixed: Fixed timezone information in the calendar subscription and .ics file, #784; * Fixed: Fixed role selection when adding a new user in a multisite, #788; = [3.1.0] - 20 Jan 2021 = * Added: Add shortcodes to the email notifications for the post content, excerpt and post type, #288 * Fixed: Fixed support to PHP 5.6, #772; = [3.0.3] - 11 Jan 2021 = * Fixed: Fix fatal error when \"editor\" or \"author\" user roles are missed in the site, #767; * Fixed: Update the list of capabilities in the PublishPress Capabilities plugin; = [3.0.2] - 07 Jan 2021 = * Fixed: Fix JS warning: $(html) HTML text after last tag is ignored in the custom-status.js file, #754; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.attr(‘selected’) might use property instead of attribute on custom-status.js, #753; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.attr(‘multiple’) might use property instead of attribute on custom-status.js, #753; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.click() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/calendar/lib/calendar.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.keydown() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/calendar/lib/calendar.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.mouseover() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/calendar/lib/calendar.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.mouseout() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/calendar/lib/calendar.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.change() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/calendar/lib/calendar.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.isArray is deprecated; use Array.isArray on \"publishpress/common/libs/select2/js/select2.min.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.click() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/content-overview/lib/content-overview.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.change() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/content-overview/lib/content-overview.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.click() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/notifications-log/assets/js/admin.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.click() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/editorial-metadata/lib/editorial-metadata-configure.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.keyup() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status-configure.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.click() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status-configure.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.keydown() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status-configure.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.mousedown() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status-configure.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.focus() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/common/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.bind() is deprecated on \"publishpress/common/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.bind() is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/custom-status/lib/custom-status.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.click() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/editorial-comments/lib/editorial-comments.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.bind() is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/improved-notifications/libs/opentip/downloads/opentip-jquery.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix JS warning: jQuery.fn.click() event shorthand is deprecated on \"publishpress/modules/improved-notifications/assets/js/multiple-select.js\", #761; * Fixed: Fix the post_id passed to the method \"get_workflows_related_to_post\" that lists the notification workflows related to the post being edited; * Fixed: Fix PHP notice undefined variable \"$action_args\", #752; * Changed: Removed the user field in the Roles page to avoid break big sites, #750; * Added: Add capability to control who can view (\"pp_view_editorial_metadata\") or edit (\"pp_edit_editorial_metadata\") the editorial metadata, deprecating the capability \"pp_editorial_metadata_user_can_edit\", #758; = [3.0.1] - 24 Nov 2020 = * Fixed: Can\'t delete users because the plugin redirects to the Notifications Log page, #737; * Fixed: Fixed the arguments \"old_status\" and \"new_status\" for the shortcode \"psppno_post\", #713; * Fixed: Fixed the argument \"author_ip\" for the shortcode \"psppno_edcomment\", #713; * Fixed: Fixed the option to always notify users who edited the content, #742; * Fixed: Fixed bug in the notification filters that was triggering notifications for unselected post types, #743; * Fixed: Updated the Italian language files; = [3.0.0] - 16 Nov 2020 = * Added: Added sortable columns to the Content Overview post list, #709; * Added: Added post type filter to the Content Overview page, #727; * Added: Added new filter \"publishpress_notifications_schedule_delay_in_seconds\", #650; * Added: Added new filter \"publishpress_notifications_scheduled_data\", #650 * Added: Added to each notification log the source of the receiver (why is the user being notified? What group does he belongs to?), #650 * Added: Added info to the log about the current user when the notification was triggered, #650 * Added: Show the scheduled time of notifications in the log, #650 * Added: Added information about the cron task status of each scheduled notification. If not exists, show a failure message, #650 * Added: Added option to try again failed notifications. Add action \"Try again\" (Reschedule), and bulk option, #650 * Added: Display in the log the duplicated notifications that were skipped, #650 * Added: Added a settings field to configure the duplicated notification time threshold, in minutes, #650 * Added: Added to the log the icon for the channel used in the notification, #650 * Added: Add support to mention Slack users in notifications sent throw Slack. It requires to mention the User ID, not the user name, prefixed by a \"@\", #650 * Added: Added a new filter: \"publishpress_slack_actions\"; * Fixed: Minor fix to the style of the Content Overview post list, #709; * Fixed: Fixed default notifications adding the \"new\" and \"auto-draft\" to the previous status field, and \"post\" to the Post Type field, #721; * Fixed: Fixed support for multiple authors in the notifications, #650 * Fixed: Fixed Strict Standards notice: ..\\Dependency_Injector define the same property ($container) in the composition of ..\\Role, #726; * Fixed: Fixed Strict Standards notice: ..\\Dependency_Injector define the same property ($container) in the composition of ..\\Follower, #726; * Fixed: Fixed Slack notifications, #650 * Changed: Improved error messages for failed notifications adding more descriptive error messages, #650 * Changed: Refactored the filter \"publishpress_notif_run_workflow_meta_query\" to \"publishpress_notifications_running_workflow_meta_query\", #650 * Changed: Refactored the filter publishpress_notif_async_timestamp => publishpress_notifications_scheduled_time_for_notification, #650 * Changed: Refactored the action publishpress_enqueue_notification => publishpress_notifications_scheduled_notification, #650 * Changed: Refactored the action publishpress_cron_notify => publishpress_notifications_send_notification, #650 * Changed: Refactored the filter publishpress_notif_workflow_actions => publishpress_notifications_workflow_events, #650 * Changed: The notification\'s content is only fixed right before sending the message. Scheduled notifications now have dynamic preview for the content, #650 * Changed: The notification\'s list of receivers is only fixed right before sending the message. Scheduled notifications have dynamic receivers list, #650 * Changed: The popup now displays only the content of the notification, #650 * Changed: Refactored the Content Overview screen grouping posts by post type instead of by taxonomy, #709; * Changed: Deprecated the filter \"PP_Content_Overview_term_columns\" and added a new one \"publishpress_content_overview_columns\", #709; * Changed: Deprecated the filter \"PP_Content_Overview_term_column_value\" and added a new one \"publishpress_content_overview_column_value\", #709; * Changed: Slack messages now display the content added in notification workflow. The \"Notification Theme\" option was refactored to display or not the line with action buttons, #650 * Removed: Removed the action \"publishpress_notif_before_run_workflow\", #650 * Removed: Removed the filter \"publishpress_notif_workflow_receiver_post_authors\", #650 * Removed: Removed the filter \"publishpress_slack_attachments\"; = [2.4.2] - 05 Nov 2020 = * Fixed: Invalid assets paths for modules on Windows servers, #712; * Fixed: Fixed error in the calendar: Error: selected user doesn\'t have enough permissions to be set as the post author, #704; * Fixed: Fixed conflict with the plugin Visual Composer: pagenow is undefined, #692; * Fixed: Method get_inner_information was ignoring the passed information fields to the first argument, #654; * Fixed: Fixed broken text domain and update the .POT file, #670; = [2.4.1] - 22 Oct 2020 = * Fixed: Fix wrong assets URL. The URLs where pointing to the Free plugin, which is not installed; * Changed: Updated the base plugin to v2.4.1; = [2.4.0] - 22 Oct 2020 = * Fixed: Fix PHP notice on Ajax call after clicking a filter without typing anything in the calendar or content overview, #693; * Fixed: Fix JS error: No select2/compat/containerCss, #695; * Fixed: Fix JS error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () - select2.min.js, #696; * Fixed: Fix JS error: notifications.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).pp_select2 is not a function, #696; * Fixed: Fix PHP error: undefined property $default_pulish_time, #698; * Fixed: Fixed assets loading when installed as dependency of the Pro plugin, #697; * Added: Added option to sort calendar items by publishing date, #457; * Added: Added option to show all posts, or specific number of posts, on a date in the calendar, #675; * Changed: Updated the Twig library to 1.42.5; * Changed: Updated base plugin to v2.4.0; = [2.3.0] - 07 Oct 2020 = * Fixed: Fixed performance and memory issue for the calendar and content overview pages adding filters with asynchronous data search, removing the bloat of rendering all the users/tags in fields for each calendar cell, and content overview filters, #674; * Fixed: Fixed language domain loading and updated the POT file, #670; * Fixed: Removed a not used JS library: remodal, #517; * Fixed: Stop loading the Chosen JS library where it is not used, #330; * Fixed: Fixed support to Cyrillic chars on post status, #439; * Added: Added support for displaying editorial comments in post status transition notifications, #676; * Changed: Updated the Select2 JS library to version 4.0.13. The library instance was refactored to pp_select2; * Changed: Converted the select field for notifications in the post edit page from Chosen to Select2; * Changed: Updated base plugin to v2.3.0; = [2.2.1] - 13 Aug 2020 = * Fixed: Fixed PHP warning about variable $key being used outside and inside the context; * Added: Added new filter \"publishpress_new_custom_status_args\" to customize the post status arguments, #640; * Fixed: Fixed a PHP Fatal error: Trait Dependency_Injector not found, #652; * Fixed: Fixed PHP warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreadh in TopNotice/Module.php; * Fixed: Fixed warnings about mixed content when the site uses HTTPS; * Fixed: Fixed JS error related to jQuery \"live\" function being deprecated and not found; * Fixed: Fixed DOM errors in the browser related to multiple elements using the same ID, #660; * Fixed: Compatibility with WP 5.5; * Changed: Updated base plugin to 2.2.1; = [2.2.0] - 17 Jun 2020 = * Removed: Fixed conflict with Gutenberg and other plugins keeping draft as the default status, always. Removed the option to set another status as default, #621; * Removed: Removed the notice asking for reviews after a few weeks of usage, #637; * Fixed: Protect the WordPress post statuses \"Pending\" and \"Draft\", blocking edition of those statuses; * Fixed: Fix the post status selection and the \"Save as\" link for Gutenberg for posts in published statuses. For changing the status you have to unpublish the post first; * Fixed: Fix the \"Save as\" button when the current status doesn\'t exist; * Fixed: Fix compatibility with the Nested Page plugin, #623; * Fixed: Fix the title of Editorial Meta meta box in the options panel for Gutenberg, #631; * Fixed: Load languages from the relative path, #626; * Fixed: Updated the PT-BR translation strings; * Fixed: Fix a fatal syntax error in the Slack module; = [2.1.0] - 28 May 2020 = * Added: Added support to PublishPress Authors (requires at least 3.3.1), #610, #614; * Added: Added the user email to the notifications log entries and details popup, #602; * Added: Added option to choose which statuses can show the time in the calendar, #607; * Added: Added option to select custom publish time in the calendar for all post statuses, #554; * Added: Added \"read only\" label to calendar items you can\'t edit, #608, #615; * Changed: Updated base plugin to 2.1.0; * Changed: Removed debug statements from the Custom Status module; * Fixed: PHP error related to the undefined \"current_datetime\" function; * Fixed: Ajax calls are saying the Notification Workflow post type is not registered, #601; * Fixed: Removed the selection from the calendar to avoid messing up with the drag-and-drop; * Fixed: Added visual feedback and error messages when errors happens while dragging and dropping items in the calendar, #609; * Fixed: Fixed compatibility with PHP < 7.3 removing the call to the function \"array_key_first\"; = [2.0.6] - 15 Apr 2020 = * Fixed: Fixed the duplicated posts after publishing using another algorithm due to new reports of a similar issue (#546); = [2.0.5] - 15 Apr 2020 = * Fixed: Fixed duplicated posts after publishing from custom post statuses, a bug introduced by the fix for #546; * Fixed: Fixes the metadata form in the settings to display the errors after a form submission; (#592) * Fixed: Updated the build script to remove test files from the built package to avoid false positive on security warnings issued by some hosts; = [2.0.4] - 08 Apr 2020 = * Fixed: Wrong publish date when using custom statuses - Now the publish date is always updated when the post is published; * Fixed: Fixed the error displayed on Windows servers when the constant DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is not defined; = [2.0.3] - 17 Mar 2019 = * Fixed: Performance issue when looking for legacy plugins; * Fixed: JS error related to undefined editor when subject or content is empty; * Fixed: Permalinks for scheduled posts removing the preview param; * Fixed: Not all custom posts were available for notifications; * Changed: Updated base plugin to 2.0.4-alpha.1; = [2.0.2] - 18 Feb 2019 = * Fixed: Performance issue due to recursive check for plugin files; * Fixed: Removed leftovers of Phing and the builder script from the built package; * Changed: Base plugin updated to 2.0.2; = [2.0.1] - 11 Feb 2019 = * Update the plugin base to 2.0.1, fixing issues related to hidden publish status and notifications not sent for published posts; = [2.0.0] - 06 Feb 2019 = * First public release based on the free version 2.0.0;